Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

WIOA is the Federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014, and offers workforce activities and services to employers, job seekers, laid off or incumbent workers, youth, veterans, displaced homemakers, self-employed individuals, and persons with significant barriers to employment. The purpose of WIOA activities is to increase job retention, earnings, occupational skills, reduce welfare dependency and improve the quality of the workforce.
Free services offered to individuals that meet certain eligibility guidelines may include:
- Funds for education/training (books, tuition, lab fees, testing and equipment)
- Individual career guidance and counseling
- Labor market information
- Relocation assistance
- Skill upgrades
Frequently Asked Questions
- Is an appointment needed? Yes. Please call 740-833-2338 to schedule an appointment to determine eligibility.
- What are your hours of operation? Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. until 4:15 p.m.
- Is an interview required? Yes. An interview is required but it can be completed by phone.
- Is there are time limit on how long I can receive services? Up to 2 years.
- Who do I contact if I have a question or concern? The Workforce Program Supervisor, Carolyn Stout phone: 740-833-2338 email:
WIOA Statement of Understanding
- The WIOA Program is a federally funded employment program and that the main focus of this program is to assist me with becoming job ready and obtaining employment that will lead to self-sufficiency.
- The WIOA Programs offers services designed to assist me in identifying a career goal, becoming job ready, and finding employment opportunities.
- I am responsible to complete certain activities as identified, in collaboration with my assigned Workforce Development Employment Team Member, that will assist me in becoming job ready and identifying employment opportunities that match my qualifications.
- Not every customer will need services at every level in order to find employment leading to self-sufficiency and I will work with my Workforce Development Employment Team Member to identify the WIOA path appropriate for me.
- I am required to actively seek employment and document my job search while participating in the WIOA Program and the job search process will be ongoing until I have found employment, and/or it has been determined that I am unable to find employment, leading to a self-sufficient wage with the skills and qualifications I currently possess.
- It is my responsibility to submit updated job search logs upon request.
- I am required to provide documentation of employment obtained at any time after beginning the WIOA process. I will submit an employment verification or pay stub as soon as one is available.
- I am responsible for attending each scheduled appointment or contacting my Employment Team Member in a timely manner to reschedule if I am unable to attend a scheduled appointment.
- My active participation in the WIOA Program does affect my appropriateness for certain services.
- Training services and work based training is possible under WIOA services.
- WIOA training services are not an entitlement and are, under no circumstances, a guarantee that I will be approved for WIOA Scholarship funds.
- It is my responsibility, in order to be considered for WIOA training services, to complete all required steps in the WIOA process.
- I understand that I am not, under any circumstances, to start a training program under the assumption that I will receive WIOA funding. I further understand that if I begin a training program prior to receiving notification of approval I assume all financial responsibility.
- I understand that WIOA Scholarship funds cannot be applied retroactively or as reimbursement for any reason.
- I understand that, if I intend to apply for WIOA scholarship funds, it is my responsibility to check on the status of any existing student loans and that if I have a loan in default, I am responsible for contacting my loan holder and applying for deferment or scheduling an acceptable payment arrangement and providing documentation of my loan status.
- I understand that if I intend to apply for WIOA Scholarship funds, it is my responsibility to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and document the status of my financial aid eligibility.
- I understand that I may only apply for WIOA Scholarship funding in approved occupations identified as high growth industries and at WIOA approved training providers. To view a list of in-demand jobs, please click HERE.
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